The paradox of parenthood


Once you have been a parent for a while, you begin to realise what a total paradox it is the bulk of the time. Parenting can be the most amazing experience, which brings overwhelming love, joy, happiness and an immense sense of pride. At the same time, parenting can bring pain, sadness, frustration and total […]

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A shock to the system

being late

Last night my youngest little man (now 22 months) slept through the night for the first time…in his own bed! Great right? Hmmmm…. On the surface, yes it should have been great. I slept in my own bed, all night, didn’t have to get out of bed for anyone in the night. Woke up and […]

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A tiny dose of love

tiny does of love

The more I hear about the difficulties some women have conceiving, the more I hear about problems in pregnancy and the more I hear about those births that tragically don’t result in a healthy baby and mother at the end, the more I think that to have a healthy baby, never mind four healthy babies […]

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Making decluttering manageable


Decluttering is something I find incredibly therapeutic. I probably have about three sessions of this a year but there is certainly something about the spring that sparks this in a big way. I always manage to find things we can recycle, giveaway, sell and bin during each of these sessions and for a while at […]

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