Feeding little people

frozen kids meals

Ten years ago I had a two month old baby, my first baby, and I had just about got the hang of breastfeeding. I was trying to navigate my way through early motherhood and trying to ensure I did the best for my baby at every stage. I’d spent the two weeks I went overdue […]

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Five minute fun: day two


At home I am always trying to make the regular things in life or normal conversations into learning opportunities and fun activities. 5 minute fun really fits in with my approach to parenting so I’ve decided to take their 7 day challenge with the children and will be sharing the activities we try. So – what […]

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Dining in

I recently wrote about why staying in is better than going out. If you missed that you can read it here. I also wrote recently about how much I love to cook, but how spending time cooking for pleasure is something I rarely have time to do. I think I have discovered something that combines a […]

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