Things to consider when travelling to the USA

flying to the USA

Have you travelled to the USA before? Whilst I was lucky enough to travel a lot with my parents as a child, I didn’t head across the Atlantic until I was in my early 20s. Since then I’ve been a few times, some for work, some for family holidays. There are so many things I love about the USA and I still have so much of it left to see.

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Things to do in Tampa with a family: Adventure Island

Adventure Island Tampa Bay Florida

If you are exploring the Tampa area of Florida with your family, don’t leave without exploring Adventure Island. It’s Busch Garden’s waterpark and it’s really one not to be missed if you are in the area. Located North of Busch Gardens on McKinley Dr, and eight miles northeast of downtown Tampa, Adventure Island is suitable […]

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*Guest Post*: Top 5 things to do with a family in Orlando (…that have nothing to do with theme parks)

Kennedy space centre

Dawn Sabato is Marketing Coordinator for Contempo Vacation Homes and creator at – here she shares some of her insider expert knowledge. On the Contempo Vacation Homes blog, we’ve been publishing a series of sample itineraries, based on themes such as adventure, sports, education, food, and much more. Everyone knows about the Orlando theme parks, and they […]

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