5 tricks that are thought to help you loose weight

natural skin care

Weight loss – one of those damn issues that can consume us mums if we let it sometimes! If you’re struggling to reach your ideal weight, you may feel as though you have exhausted all of your options. I know I do sometimes. However, everyone’s body is different, and what works for one person may […]

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Tea and weight loss

slimming tea

The internet is flooded with ‘incredible’ ways to make weight loss easier, although I’m still looking for the miracle! Those which work might either help to ‘mould’ your brain or stomach with the support of a healthy lifestyle. Some of the unhealthy practices obviously include smoking and excessive drinking, having too much fatty food, drinking […]

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Detoxing teas

miss fit tea

There have been some quite shocking reports from a range of media outlets over the last few months about the dangers of detox teas. Instagram is a wash with before and after pictures of people using a range of detox teas and insisting that these teas are the way forward for weight loss and to […]

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A tea for every part of the day

I’ve talked quite a bit on the blog before about my dislike for tea. I am not a tea drinker, never have been, never will be. However, I have in recent years been converted to herbal teas and I’ve been drinking green tea everyday for some time now. Although I had to force myself to […]

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Jam jar salads

Jam jar salads

Are you looking for some quick, easy lunches that you can prepare in advance but that tick all the healthy boxes? Lunches you can have on the go, at your desk or even out and about. Lunches that you can prepare in bulk and stock in the fridge to see you through for a few […]

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