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480 results found.

Flora Lunchbox Challenge

flora lunchbox

Packing healthy and tempting lunchboxes everyday can be a real challenge for parents, especially if you are packing several lunchboxes and/or have fussy eaters. When they come back empty though and they ask for the same again the next day, you know you’ve got it right. The #FloraLunchbox Challenge, sponsored by Flora, is all about […]

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Making life easy with EasiYo


A few years ago I really got into making yoghurt at home with an EasiYo maker I picked up at The Baby Show in Birmingham. The children loved it and the variety of flavours. We had fresh yoghurt everyday, either on its own or with cereal. It became part of a daily routine and it […]

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Win a copy of Miniscule on DVD


In a peaceful little clearing in the heart of the woods, an abandoned picnic has become the site of a fearsome frenzy. The tiniest critters of the undergrowth are going antennae to antennae to win the spoils, until the plucky black ant, Mandible, discovers the ultimate treasure – a box of sugar! Little does he […]

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Smart is cool


I distinctly remember that when I was at school being smart was NOT considered cool in any way. The ‘cool’ kids were not the ones who worked hard and did well. I didn’t really get it back then, and always thought that was a bit odd. I do still hear comments like that these days […]

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Jam jar salads

Jam jar salads

Are you looking for some quick, easy lunches that you can prepare in advance but that tick all the healthy boxes? Lunches you can have on the go, at your desk or even out and about. Lunches that you can prepare in bulk and stock in the fridge to see you through for a few […]

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Family Fun: On the Mersey

Mersey Ferry

As a family we are huge fans of Liverpool and the Wirral and we love the Mersey Ferry. It’s a great way to spend time as a family and a really exciting trip for the children. They love a trip on the ferry and the best thing is, it doesn’t matter whether it’s sunny or wet, it’s […]

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