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Looking after your emotional health


For many people, emotional health can be a challenge, caring for it is a lifelong process that they have to factor into everything else in their lives. There are a few things you can do that will make your life easier though if you are able to implement them. Get Exercising That may sound a […]

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Preparing for the Big Move: A Parent’s Guide to Supporting Your Child Going Off to University

going to university

Seeing your child head off to university is an exciting milestone. It marks the beginning of a new chapter for both of you, filled with growth, independence, and new experiences. Yet, it can also be a time of mixed emotions—pride, anxiety, and even a touch of sadness as they take this big step towards adulthood. As a parent, there are ways you can support them through this transition while also taking care of your own feelings. Here’s a comprehensive guide to help you navigate this new phase and ensure your child is set for a successful university experience.

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How to Cope with a Dysregulated Child: Practical Tips for Parents

Parenting can be challenging, especially when dealing with a dysregulated child. A dysregulated child struggles to manage their emotions, which can result in frequent meltdowns, aggression, or withdrawal. These behaviours can be hard for parents to manage, often leading to stress and frustration. However, with patience and the right strategies, you can support your child in developing better emotional regulation. Here are some practical tips to help you cope with a dysregulated child.

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Tips for Getting the September School Term Off to a Good Start

back to school

As summer comes to a close, the September school term often creeps up faster than expected. For many families, this transition from the relaxed summer vibe to the structured school routine can be a real challenge. Getting back into the swing of things is not only hard for children but for parents too. Here are some practical tips to help you kickstart the new school year on the right foot.

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Best Gutter Maintenance Service in Liverpool

Gutters play a crucial role in protecting your home from water damage. They channel rainwater away from your roof and foundation, preventing leaks, mould, and structural issues. However, gutters need regular maintenance to function properly. In Liverpool, several companies offer top-notch gutter maintenance services. This article will guide you through five of the best options available, ensuring your home remains safe and dry.

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Explore the Magic of Color Factory in New York City

Color Factory NYC

If you’re seeking a vibrant, immersive experience that will awaken your senses and inspire creativity, the Color Factory in New York City is a must-visit destination. Nestled in the heart of SoHo, this interactive art exhibit offers a unique exploration of colour, designed to delight visitors of all ages. With its captivating installations and thoughtfully curated spaces, Color Factory transforms the ordinary into something extraordinary, making it one of the most Instagrammable spots in NYC.

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Navigating the Transition: Understanding Parental Concerns When Children Go to University

university concerns for parents

Sending a child off to university is a significant milestone for both parents and their offspring. While it’s an exciting time filled with anticipation and newfound independence, it’s also natural for parents to experience a range of worries and concerns as they navigate this transition. In this article, we’ll explore the common concerns parents may have when their children go to university and offer strategies for managing these anxieties while supporting their child’s journey into higher education.

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