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543 results found.

Kids Don’t Come With A Manual

Isn’t that the truth… I have talked about this a lot over the years when delivering training to health, education and social care providers. If you are a childcare professional you have to have certain qualifications, yet two people (they don’t even have to know each other) can get together and have a baby! We […]

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What is your health worth?

How much attention do you pay to your health? Do you eat well? Do you exercise? Do you smoke? How much do you drink? How much do you value your health? How much do you think genetics play a part in your health and how much do you think about the future? 23andMe, the leading […]

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WIN tickets to Country Living Magazine Gala Evening

I love living in the countryside.Our school run and rush hour traffic consists mainly of: cows pheasant sheep rabbits tractors horses  Now that’s my kind of traffic!I have teamed up with Country Living Magazine to offer any other fans of country life the chance to WIN two tickets to their Gala Evening. Perfect if you’re looking for the relaxed […]

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The busy mummies guide to breastfeeding

Breastfeeding a first baby is quite different from breastfeeding subsequent children…when you have more than one it goes something like this… The first few days… the days and nights merge into one big long day when everyone sleeps except you feeding can be a bit awkward even if you have done it before – different babies feed differently […]

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