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544 results found.

How to care for wounds with children

caring for a wound

Wounds, bumps, knocks, cuts and scrapes Wounds are very common with children. Any parent will tell you that this is perfectly normal. I remember as a child that my little brother’s knees and shins were always covered in bruises from his various adventures, and I remember very well the time he fell on a bramble […]

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Winter skin and hair care

winter hair and skin

Since having children I’ve really noticed a change in my skin and hair during the winter. The moment the temperature drops and the heating comes on my skin gets dry and flaky and my hair seems dryer than normal. My hands and shins are always the worst affected parts but there is an all over […]

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Do you need to think about home care?

patch adams

None of us like to think about getting older and needing support, or even having something happen that means we require continual support, or a member of our family does. Nevertheless, things happen and we can find ourselves in these situations, trying to navigate a range of services and possibilities, sometimes with little prior knowledge […]

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Summer detox: skincare guide

detox your skin

This is a guest post by: Peter Minkoff who writes over at Voice Boks, The Voice of Parenthood For us parents (or parents to be) it sometimes feels like the weight of the entire world has been placed on our shoulders, with no intention of ever letting us stand up straight again. So many commitments, […]

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Skincare the easy way: for busy mums

Who doesn’t want flawless younger looking skin? We’d all love this right? It doesn’t always seem achievable though does it? Both women and men are looking for perfection in their appearance, meanwhile they are juggling work, a family, running a home trying to exercise and maintain a healthy lifestyle and deal with the day-to-day issues live […]

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