I love this time of year. We always have a wonderful October with friends, picking pumpkins, navigating our way through the maize maze and having a fun Halloween party for the children. It’s such a fun time of year.
Birthday cakes
With all four children’s birthdays between May and September I feel as if I spend around half the year planning and then making birthday cakes. I normally ask the children what sort of cake they would like and ‘who’ they would like on their cake. Of course, when they come up with something really intricate […]
Avoiding “system overload” in little people
I’ve eaten a wheat free diet for almost 15 years now. Wheat and I just don’t get along. We probably never did but it took me a while to realise that. I used to feel like I was walking around with one of those weighted balls you get in the gym lodged in my stomach. […]
Mini chefs: part five
Welcome to part five of our “Mini Chefs” series. As the school holidays are now in full flow, we have had lots more time to get busy in the kitchen. The poor weather has made sure of this! It has to be one of my favourite things to do with the children as they are […]
Mini chefs: part four
Welcome to another article in our ‘mini chefs’ series. The mini chefs have been in the kitchen again cooking up a storm. After a short nap today I suggested to the minis we hit the kitchen for some baking. After a few squeals of excitement and a double fist pump I felt that had been […]
Better with cake
Cake is not something I am personally big on as I don’t eat wheat but I enjoy making them with the children and buying them for everyone else. With it being the Easter school holidays we kick started it with lots of baking…mostly Easter related. The children all love cooking in general but they especially […]