How To Help Boost Your Child’s Confidence And Self-Esteem

boosting resilience in children

Growing up is quite the journey, and as parents or guardians, our role in shaping our child’s future is a big deal. We want to support and guide them through the ups and downs of developing a positive self-image. This article explores practical strategies to help boost your child’s confidence and self-esteem, paving the way for them to become resilient, self-assured individuals.

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*Guest Article*: Five steps to improve your mental health in motherhood

maternal mental health

Dr Carla Runchman is a Clinical Psychologist, mum of one, founder of Mama Diary and author of ‘Mama Notes’, a notebook for the first 12 weeks of motherhood to help mums focus on their emotional well-being. Together with space to make notes on newborn essentials such as feeding and nappies, each week has a well-being focus with ideas or activities to try, and journal pages with prompts to help you reflect on the important moments of these early weeks.

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