Today, families all over the UK have woken up to a VERY new kind of routine. Homeschooling. For many, this will prove a huge challenge as they try to juggle a job, financial uncertainty, different emotions among family members and the normal day-to-day tasks.
Home schooling during COVID-19: week 1
What strange times we are living in at the moment. If you’d said to me a year ago, even at Christmas, possibly even a few weeks ago that parents across the UK, across the world, would be homeschooling their children, in a bid to support social distancing and limit the spread of COVID-19 – well, I’d have thought you were crazy.
UK schools close and more than 15,000 people across Europe offer free childcare for healthcare professionals
As schools set to close across the UK today for an undetermined length of time, Yoopies, the largest European childcare platform, is launching an appeal to all students and childcare providers to volunteer their childcare services to help support healthcare workers and essential industries.
5 of the best natural herbal solutions to support immunity
Building immunity has never been more important than it is today, with the rapid spread of COVID-19 across the world. Here are a few thoughts from a Medical Herbalist.
How to approach the subject of Coronavirus with children
Everyone seems to be talking about it: newspapers, news, TV and radio, adults… There are so many opinions, images and reports floating around that for kids it can be tough to separate fact from fiction. Feelings such as stress, worry, and anxiety are heightened, but having open discussions with your children can help to reduce any potential distress.