Let’s Dance! Your Ultimate Guide to UK Music Festivals in 2024

summer festivals in the UK

Do you love music? As the sun peeks out from behind the clouds and the flowers start to bloom, it’s time to get ready for a season jam-packed with rhythm, melody, and good vibes. Yep, you guessed it – it’s festival time in the UK! From the quaint countryside to the bustling city streets, there’s a festival scene here that’s as diverse as it is electrifying…and in 2024, it’s shaping up to be an absolute banger.

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Getting festival ready

keeping warm at a festival

Planning for a festival doesn’t have to be stressful. We always pack far too much with the six of us, but I’m sure it’s possible to pack light and just take the essentials, or have a few things that serve a few purposes. Keeping warm If you are doing the full on festival thing you […]

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