It’s time to deck the halls and get ready in your seasonal best as we’ve finally arrived at the long-awaited holiday season! We can all safely assume that getting here to this point has been much like a marathon through a difficult financial maze.
Creating a Legacy for the Next Generation
In the beautiful chaos of family life, where school projects and sports practices take centre stage, it’s easy for long-term financial planning to slip through the cracks. Yet, carving out a secure financial future for our little ones is one of the most profound acts of love we can undertake. Let’s explore how we can integrate this essential task into our bustling lives, making it feel less like a chore and more like a natural extension of our parenting.
Financial Planning for the Future
Obviously there might be things like holidays you want to save for, but as the years pass by there are so many other things you feel you should be planning for as well – how do you do all of this and live as well? The truth is that sometimes you don’t. There are likely to be times in your life when you can’t do all of this, when money is far tighter than usual and you might not have any ‘spare’ to put towards anything at all.
The benefits of Junior ISAs
Saving for your children or your grandchildren’s future is not easy these days, but it is as important as ever. Here’s a bit more about how ISA’s can be of benefit.
High School Expenses: Planning Ahead for Budget Conscious Parents
When your children start school, there can be a brief sigh of financial relief because you no longer have to pay the same high childcare costs. The reality is though that there are still some significant costs that you need to plan for.
Thinking ahead to your child’s first car?
A study of 2,000 mums and dads of 16-21-year-olds found one in six ‘helped’ their offspring to pay for their first vehicle, contributing an average of 45 per cent of the total cost.