As summer approaches, many Brits are eagerly planning their holidays abroad. Yet, for those who experience flight anxiety, the thought of boarding a plane can overshadow their travel excitement. To help you enjoy a stress-free journey, experts at Brown’s CBD have compiled five effective tips to tackle flight anxiety. From relaxation techniques to strategic seating choices, this advice is ideal for those who struggle with their mental health while travelling.
Overbooking and Its Influence on Airline Industry Trends
The impact of overbooking on airline industry trends is often misunderstood and, to the layman, is a baffling concept. Though the fact that airlines sell more tickets than seats available can cause stress and potential cancellations for customers, there are a few advantages of doing so for airlines and customers alike.
*Guest Article* How to pack your suitcase for travel
Carol James is a writer and senior editor at term paper help service EssayLab. She has MA degree in social sciences and writes articles on the subject. So, if you have any questions regarding the writing, feel free to ask her in comments below. Packing the suitcase is an important part of the preparation for a […]