Merseyside-based Knowsley Safari has launched a series of free, educational live stream events and online activities to help people navigate the lockdown wilderness. Whether you’re a parent looking for exciting online content to help keep your children entertained, or someone looking to learn more about the natural world during this time, Knowsley Safari has you covered.
‘Home-schooling’ during lock down: the challenges
I said early on in this process that home schooling is a choice, this is crisis schooling and that is something very different. It’s also different for those families who normally home school their children – why? Well, because they won’t be used to being schooled 100% from home either, they will be used to outdoor learning, museum trips and other learning excursions.
Top Tips to Keep Your Kids Entertained During Lockdown
For all of us, 2020 has started with an unexpected twist. Typically for this time of year, the weather is getting warmer and the nights are lasting longer, but our doors and plans are remaining firmly shut and sealed. With the outbreak of Covid-19, the government has enforced social isolation to minimise the risk of spreading the virus.
Learning at home with family board games
We’ve collected tons of board games over the years. We always take a couple when we go away, but generally speaking ‘real life’ is so manic that there is rarely any time to just sit down and play a game.
#StayHomeSaveLives: A Guide for Parents
Parents working from home, school from home and big events suspended. PE in my living room, supermarket trips only, and no seeing my friends. Will this go on forever?
Home schooling during COVID-19: week 1
What strange times we are living in at the moment. If you’d said to me a year ago, even at Christmas, possibly even a few weeks ago that parents across the UK, across the world, would be homeschooling their children, in a bid to support social distancing and limit the spread of COVID-19 – well, I’d have thought you were crazy.