Nutrition and the immune system


The more I learn about the immune system, the more it fascinates me. For some time now I’ve been interested in the roll that gut health plays in the immune system. 70% of the immune system is located in the gut, where diverse bacteria is best. Most people know that what you eat can affect your weight and energy level throughout the day, but you might not realise the extent to which your diet affects the immune system.

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The benefits of good gut health

good gut health

I’ve been listening to a lot of podcasts lately about the importance of good gut health. I also had a fascinating conversation with my sister-in-laws father, who is a pharmacist, about healthy guts and the knock on effect of a gut that’s a bit out of sorts.

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Sky high bugs? Staying immune with Sambucol

long haul flights

Whilst jetting off on a summer break leaves us all feeling excited, don’t let the nasty hidden germs of the air cabin dampen your holiday mood. Research from Insurance Quotes shockingly found that a plane tray table can contain up to 11,595 fungal cells per square inch. Compare that to a toilet handle at home […]

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Bugg** off bugs!


Pretty much every year by mid-February everyone you speak to seems a to have had all sorts of bugs. Over the last couple of months I’ve heard people say their families have been hit by all sorts including: heavy colds, tonsillitis, slapped cheek, flu, chicken pox and those non-specific viruses or vomiting bugs. By this […]

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