As a teenager, the prospect of earning some extra cash while gaining valuable work experience can be exciting. Whether you’re saving up for a special purchase, gaining independence, or simply looking to pad your CV, there are numerous part-time job opportunities available for 16-year-olds in the UK. Let’s explore some of the most promising options.
3 Alternative Ways to Land a Job
Looking for work can be one of the most frustrating things, especially when you’ve been at it for a while. When you seem to be pouring all of your efforts into writing killer cover letters and attending interviews and don’t get the result you hope for, it can make you wonder where you’re going wrong. […]
Jobs that are similar to parenthood
Today I want to talk about parenthood and what it means to be a parent. Many people underestimate how difficult it is to be a parent. It doesn’t matter if you are doing it all day every day, or just for a few hours a day, it can be just as grueling as any other […]
Getting things done
Do you have a to-do list as long as your arm? Are you struggling to tick anything off it? Do you need help to get things done? It might be that you have a half finished decorating project that you really need help getting done. It might be that your ironing or cleaning has got […]
3 Ways to find the best tradesmen in your area
Trying to find a good quality roofing contractor, decorator, painter, plumber or electrician might sound like a hassle but it will be worth it in the end – especially if you manage to save hundreds of pounds in the process. Here are some quick tips on how to find a good quality tradesman in your […]
Driving Executive Women in Business Forward
Following my recent article questioning whether women can actually have it all, there seems to be an awful lot of talk about executive women in business, although, I have to say, there have been a few things I have read supporting my theory that women can’t ‘have it all’ without lots of help and compromise. Despite […]