For many people, it seems as though there is a lot more month than money to afford it these days. No matter what kind of job you do, people from all backgrounds are struggling to make ends meet right now, and this can lead to ongoing financial issues that threaten to impact your whole year.
Family finance: How to borrow money during a crisis
There are lots of reasons why you may need additional financial help or funds – but sometimes it’s because of a crisis situation (whether personal or global). A personal crisis can look different to everyone, but there are certain situations that would concern even the most level-headed of us. Here are a few options to consider.
Family Finance: Three Unexpected Events That Can Clean Out Your Wallet
How prepared are you to handle a financial emergency – the kind that hits you like a solid left hook to the jaw or, more accurately, to your wallet? The wallet-busting shock of these events could be lessened if you had some idea of what to expect.
Borrowing from friends – is that really a thing?
Lots of families go through periods of time when they require a bit of financial help. What I wasn’t aware of was just how many borrow money from friends during these times. Did you even know that was a thing? The problem is, while there are a lot of benefits involved with borrowing from friends […]