Whether you are planning a pregnancy, just pregnant or a veteran at having babies, you are likely to be aware of some of the less exciting aspects of bringing a new life into the world. Pelvic floor exercises were something I took really seriously before, during and after my pregnancies after hearing a few horror […]
Dear first time mummy-to-be
Hi there mummy-to-be, Firstly, many, many congratulations on your pregnancy! I hope it’s going well and that you are able to enjoy the fact that a tiny person is growing inside of you. I wanted to write to you as someone who has four amazing children to share with you some of the things you […]
Things you need as a new parent
Becoming a parent is such an overwhelming experience. It is amazing and exhausting all at once. There is such an overwhelming amount of information out there when you are pregnant. It can be hard to know what is important and what isn’t necessary. Some things are not necessary, but other things certainly are. Nappies, Nappies, […]
A decade of motherhood
This summer will mark a whole decade since my daughter, my first baby, was born. A decade since I was given the mummy title. A decade since I first felt that overwhelming, heart-stopping, love and pride. A decade since I held my baby for the first time. Last weekend I took this photo of my […]
My first, my last, my everything
My first born and last born – you two challenged me in a different way to the two middle born children. First born – you taught me that morning sicknesses could come anytime and anywhere. Last born – by the time I was growing you, I was a professional vomitter and had probably broken some […]
The three most common pregnancy pains and how to help them
Throughout your pregnancy, there will be dozens of aches and pains that become part of your everyday life. In today’s article, I’ll go over the three most common pregnancy pains that you’re likely to experience, and why you don’t have to live peacefully with them. Backache Your uterus can expand up to 1,000 times during […]
How motherhood changes you
The transition from womanhood to motherhood was more profound than any other transition I’ve been though. Having a child evokes changes that are both gradual and sudden. As a new mother you become stronger and more responsible. The challenge of every day life makes you a better problem solver, you suddenly have even more love […]
5 Maternity/Baby Tradeshows to Attend in 2016
Trade shows aren’t just for business people and creative individuals; they are also for new mums and women who are preparing to have a baby. In fact, with so many great events throughout the world focused on motherhood, there is no reason why you can’t be aware of the latest and greatest products that are […]