Are you tired of feeling like you have nothing for yourself? There comes a time in life where everything that you do includes someone else in some way, and it’s okay to want something that is just for you. For example, if you’ve got kids, oftentimes you have to share everything that you do with them, or they want to be involved in some way, shape or form. Or, if you have friends who do pretty much everything with you, or a partner, it can feel the same.
11 Little Self-Care Moments To Savour When You’re a Parent
As a parent, there are small moments throughout the day which make you breathe a sigh of relief and give you a sense of rejuvenation. These pockets of time can look different to each individual, but there are many similarities that you may be able to relate to if you’re riding the parenthood train right now. Whether you get a peaceful moment drinking a delicious, fresh cup of coffee, or you’re enjoying a well-deserved bubble bath without an interruption, there are examples of little self-care moments that should never be taken for granted.
How to Pick the Perfect Pair of Reading Glasses for Men: Your Essential Guide
Selecting the right men’s reading glasses is a straightforward process that ensures comfort and clarity for men experiencing difficulties with near vision.
Personalised children’s books
Books are so important in children’s lives. Reading exercises the brain in such a positive way. The benefits of reading for children Practice makes perfect in almost everything humans do, and reading is no exception. Reading also improves concentration in children. Children have to sit still and quietly so that they can focus on the […]
Books girls should read before the age of 17
Reading books is the best way to experience different environments by analysing the actions of the main characters. As you read chapter after chapter, the story or the lessons develop further to reveal more about the characters and offer the reader a greater insight.
Which children’s books would you love to re-read as an adult?
Thinking back to your childhood, which books did you enjoy so much you’d quite happily re-read them as an adult? For me, it would have to be some of the Roald Dahl titles. My favourites were always George’s Marvellous Medicine (my mum was especially good at reading that one), Danny the Champion of the World […]
The top 50 books that parents love to read to their children
What are your favourite books to read to your children? The Very Hungry Caterpillar is the best loved children’s book – according to parents, a study found. Despite being published in 1969, the Eric Carle tale of a caterpillar hatching from its egg and eating its way through various foods, came top of the pile […]