Planning a long haul flight or big road trip with the kids? How to put together a ‘Busy Bag’

Travelling with children can make parents a little tense at times. When travelling, you can find yourself in situations when you need to rush, when it’s busy, when you really have to concentrate, when you have to sit still and so on. All of these situations can prove tricky at times when you have children – try telling a one year old who has just started walking they have to sit still on a plane, or a tired child they need to queue to get through passport control.

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Family holiday packing essentials

family travel

Travelling with children can sometimes make you feel like you need to take the kitchen sink with you. When you look at all the paraphernalia around you, its hard to believe that you could exist without it all. We have never been able to travel particularly ‘light’ but now we are out of the baby […]

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Tips for stress-free Christmas travel

Christmas travel

Travelling with children can be stressful at the best of times, but over Christmas if you have to travel that can go up a notch. Some new research from the Accident Advice Helpline has cited lots of tips from parents for travelling with children over the festive period. Leaving in plenty of time, filling the car with […]

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