Live the ‘Good Life’ in the Lake District

good life cumbria

The Lake District is somewhere I’d love to spend more time. During university I visited a lot. After my family moved to France I didn’t have a ‘home’ to go back to at weekends, so sometimes I’d go home with a friend. Her parents live in the Lake District. We’d go on long walks with […]

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Famous Destinations in Five Seconds or Less

travel to Havana

The world is absolutely full of exciting and interesting places to go on a family holiday, but if you’re planning a major trip it can be difficult to compare which would be the most suitable for your own flock. Names of fantastic places fly around but it’s hard to visualise and compare like with like. […]

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Family holidays in Cornwall: Pentewan Sands

Pentewan Sands

Cornwall is not somewhere I’ve spent a huge amount of time over the years, but each time I have been I don’t want to leave. Speaking to others about this stunning part of the UK, I feel like lots of people think the same. With around 7 hours of road between home and Cornwall for […]

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Top winter sun destinations

winter sun destinations

The winter months can feel like a drag to some people. That’s why many people opt for a spot of winter sun to see them through until the summer months warm things up a bit. As someone who firmly associates winter holidays with snow and winter sports, I find it a hard one to get […]

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Tips for stress-free Christmas travel

Christmas travel

Travelling with children can be stressful at the best of times, but over Christmas if you have to travel that can go up a notch. Some new research from the Accident Advice Helpline has cited lots of tips from parents for travelling with children over the festive period. Leaving in plenty of time, filling the car with […]

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Save money on your family rail travel

train travel

I love the idea of travelling by train as a family. The last big train trip we did altogether was actually to the Alps on our last skiing holiday. We travelled from Ashford to the Alps by train and the children absolutely loved it. Despite having four children (which at the time included a baby […]

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