Top 3 Family Cars

With car leasing in the UK becoming more and more popular, now is a great time to think about getting rid of your old car, and driving away in a better family-friendly one. When looking for a car that will benefit the whole family, you’ll want one that is spacious and has some great safety features, […]

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Memories of Japan

Whilst I was at university I had the opportunity to study Japanese as an additional subject. I jumped at the chance as it really appealed. It was a small group and we had a lovely teacher who was very patient. At the end of the first year there was a trip to Japan. It was […]

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Weaning on the move

Weaning can be a messy and fiddly business. I have said before how fantastic I think Ella’s Kitchen pouches are for travelling and also for trying different foods out with your little ones before making a huge batch of something homemade that they hate. Like many parents though, where possible I like to make my […]

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Travelling with children: part six

Welcome to part six of our travelling with children series. This article looks at how to survive the festival season with children, if festivals are your thing. Firstly, we have a few top tips from festival lover Radio 2 DJ Sara Cox to share with you: “When at festivals I always take an umbrella to […]

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Travelling with children: part five

As we enter June, many people will be looking forward to holidays or short breaks away. Perhaps you are off somewhere nice and warm soon? When travelling with the children, aside from the general paraphernalia that comes with babies and children, I always like to take a few medical supplies just in case. You might […]

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