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Back to school craft

bostik back to school

I hate to even say the words really but it will be back to school before we know it. These days don’t you feel that you start to see the back to school stuff even before term has ended? What’s that about? We had a bit of a rainy day the other day so we […]

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Back to school the healthy way

foot spray

This year the children hadn’t even broken up for summer and I had already seen back to school emails, articles and products in the shop. I don’t want to rush you through the summer holidays and onto the new term, but as we go into the winter term it’s always good to think about avoiding […]

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Back to school: part four

Welcome to part four of our back to school series. Term is well underway now for most of us. Have your little ones succumbed to any bugs yet? Already some of the children at school seem to be having days off for illness. Not only is this miserable for the little ones and you, but […]

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Back to school: part three

Welcome to part three in our back to school series. This time we are looking at the often arduous task of naming your children’s belongings for school. How do you label your children’s things? I’ve tried a range of things myself in the past and seen other parents use a range of methods as well, […]

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