Hide and seek with a toddler

Hide and seek is a game I remember playing as a child, not only with school friends but also on holidays. I played it in France, Germany, Portugal and the former Yugoslavia.  It seemed to translate into any language and it was a great way to make some holiday pals. It doesn’t cost anything and […]

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Running fuel

When I was on my way to the start of the marathon the other weekend I was horrified to see about a dozen marathon runners in the queue at the burger van. It makes my stomach churn just thinking about it to be honest. I really can’t think of anything much worse than eating a […]

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No ordinary school run

Our school run is different every day. After loading the four children into the car and checking for the third or forth time that we have everything we need, we set of on our magical mystery tour. It is so entertaining for us all because we just never know what we will see on the […]

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Take a break

Why don’t you take a break someone said to me the other day? I had a little laugh inside… Being a parent can feel a bit like a never ending treadmill sometimes, especially when you are combining that with working as well. When I worked for the local authority I was an eat at my […]

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Weaning on the move

Weaning can be a messy and fiddly business. I have said before how fantastic I think Ella’s Kitchen pouches are for travelling and also for trying different foods out with your little ones before making a huge batch of something homemade that they hate. Like many parents though, where possible I like to make my […]

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