Exploring the Student Lifestyle: From Social Scenes to Academic Pursuits

student life tips

Student hood is the most intense period of your entire life, with many opportunities and emotions. We’re opening a new stage, and it’s not easy. We still depend on our parents and teachers at school, but college/university is a place of greater independence. It can be difficult because you have to learn new things and at the same time manage to get good grades. Let’s examine what students do and why each activity is essential.

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Family Adventures in Abu Dhabi: 10 Exciting Things to Do with Children

Abu Dhabi

Abu Dhabi, the capital city of the United Arab Emirates, is a vibrant metropolis known for its stunning architecture, rich culture, and luxurious attractions. While it may be famous for its lavish experiences, Abu Dhabi also offers a plethora of family-friendly activities that cater to children of all ages. From thrilling theme parks to educational museums, there’s no shortage of fun-filled adventures awaiting families in this dynamic city. In this article, I will explore 10 exciting things to do in Abu Dhabi with children, ensuring an unforgettable experience for the whole family.

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Unveiling the Green Elixir: A Guide to the Best and Healthiest Green Teas


Green tea, with its centuries-old legacy and profound health benefits, has captivated tea enthusiasts and health-conscious individuals alike. Renowned for its refreshing taste and a myriad of health advantages, green tea stands as a beacon of wellness in the realm of beverages. In this article, I delve into the world of green teas, unveiling some of the finest and healthiest varieties while exploring their remarkable benefits.

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Things To Do When Your Children Have Gone To Bed

things to do when your children are in bed...finally

I remember when I had my first baby, because she wasn’t the best sleeper, the first nights when she did sleep were the hardest, it was like I forgot how to be a human, paralysed by the fact that I actually had a bit of time to do something else. Thinking of what to do when you are not looking after the baby is for some reason such a challenge (aside from sleep yourself that is), so what are some of the best things to do?

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Balancing Act: Navigating Student Life and Personal Well-being

student life

Management of your personal health and academic life simultaneously can seem like an impossible balancing act. Students face numerous issues that affect their physical, emotional, and mental health – from academic commitments to cultivating social relationships to prioritising self-care – which all affect well-being in some way or another. In this post, I will look at strategies for striking an effective balance between being a student and prioritising personal well-being.

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A Comprehensive Guide to What Chickens Can Eat

what to feed chickens

Chickens are notorious for their omnivorous appetites, readily devouring a wide variety of foods ranging from grains and vegetables to insects and even small rodents. While commercial poultry feed serves as a staple in their diet, supplementing with additional treats and scraps can provide essential nutrients and promote overall health and happiness. In this article, I will explore the diverse range of foods that chickens can eat, from kitchen scraps to garden greens, ensuring a well-rounded and nutritious diet for your feathered friends.

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