If you’ve been told your baby is back to back don’t panic. There is lots of time for the baby to turn before labour and if they don’t you can still do it. There were a few concerned looking faces during my last two births but I was so determined to get my babies out without forceps that eventually started to shift them in the right direction. Good luck and trust your body! It will all be worth it.
Top 5 ways to celebrate the birth of your child
Congratulations. You are about to have a baby, or the little one has already arrived. You are likely to feel overwhelmed with lots of different emotions, and you worry that you will forget to look closely at this special time. It is reasonable, therefore, to want to find a way to celebrate the birth of your child.
Establishing a sleep routine for your baby
Is your baby a good sleeper? It’s one of the most common questions new parents seem to get asked isn’t it? Are they good for you? This generally means do they sleep well? People are obsessed with the sleep questions and the amount your child sleeps appears to have a direct correlation with how ‘good’ they are perceived to be.
Did you have a name for your baby bump?
Did you have a nickname for your bump when you were pregnant? A poll of 1,500 mums and dads revealed nine in 10 used an alternative name for their baby while pregnant, with ‘Button’, ‘Sprout’ and ‘Pebble’ also popular monikers.
Third Trimester Checklist for Every Pregnant Woman
The third trimester of pregnancy can bring mixed emotions to any woman. Finally, having reached the home stretch makes you feel excited to meet your little one, yet the remaining few weeks of carrying your baby inside can also feel particularly overwhelming and challenging—especially when you don’t know what to do! During such time, your […]
Bath time with Baby born
What is bath time like in your house? I’ve written about bath time many times, with everything from establishing a good bath time routine, to the fantasy vs reality of bath time with children. I’ve said before that bathtime can be bonkers in our house, but at least non of the children are afraid of water! Quite […]
8 Ways To Give A Warm Welcome To Your Newborn
Happiness is…welcoming your new baby into the world Becoming a parent is one of the biggest turning points in life. Being a parent changes everything. The moment we hold our baby in our arms, we know that from here onward things are going to change. Even the responsibility of choosing a name for your baby […]
Trusting other people with your children
Are you the primary carer of your children? Do you find it hard to trust other people with their care? You aren’t alone. A survey from Withings reveals that over half of all new mums don’t trust anyone but themselves to look after their baby. 55% of mums polled said they don’t trust their mum, […]