Easy first aid for children

first aid

Knocks, bumps, scratches and cuts are a normal part of childhood. As parents we deal with lots of these in the first years of our children’s lives. I don’t think it gets easier necessarily, but you do come to realise that you can’t prevent these things from happening and that really it is a natural […]

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Early memories


What are your earliest memories as a child? I always struggle with this one as I think it can be hard to work out what you remember and what you remember being told sometimes. I used to think that one of my earliest memories was stepping out of my parents’ camper bus and into a […]

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Dealing with childhood coughs and colds

Just as I thought the better weather was upon us here and we could bid farewell to winter colds, two of the children have come down with a nasty cough and cold. I am not a fan of cough mixture so always try to manage by increasing fluid and riding it out. We have found […]

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Dealing with childhood eczema

Eczema can be miserable at any age but when it is the children that are suffering, it can be especially tricky to deal with. Two of my four children suffer with eczema and it comes and gos and alters in severity depending on the time of year. It generally seems worse during the winter months […]

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