Cleaning in chaos

I’ve said before that cleaning with children around is like eating Oreos whilst brushing your teeth – utterly pointless. However, homes still need to be cleaned and laundry still has to be done. Most of my friends have cleaners, I’m definitely the odd one out there, but as well as it just being another thing […]

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Easy bathroom cleaning

Like lots of busy parents, cleaning the bathroom is not top of my list of weekly priorities, but it still needs doing at some point. Cleaning the shower can be quite tricky and I often find it easier to physically be in the shower to get it really clean. The downside of this is that […]

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Speed cleaning

Cleaning isn’t something many of us get excited about. Often, we like things to look and smell clean but object to the amount of time it takes us to get that ‘clean’ state, and the amount of time this takes away from doing other things we want and need to do. Some get around this […]

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Can green clean?

What is your approach to washing up? Do you wash by hand or have a dishwasher? If you wash by hand, do you have a set washing up liquid that you buy or do you just buy whatever is on offer? We do have a dishwasher but there are quite a few things that we […]

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Spring cleaning tips

I love it when everything is clean, there is just something about the smell and look. It doesn’t last very long though with 4 children around…a few minutes perhaps but it is nice while it lasts. I love Milton products and use these a lot because I trust them and associate them with safe cleaning. […]

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