Perceptions I find, can be strange things.
We are all guilty no doubt of having a perception of someone that turned out to be so inaccurate you feel embarrassed and a little stupid for missing the reality.
Perceptions I find, can be strange things.
We are all guilty no doubt of having a perception of someone that turned out to be so inaccurate you feel embarrassed and a little stupid for missing the reality.
Do you ever give much thought to what makes you smile? According to a study the average UK adult smiles 11 times EVERY DAY, or more than 232,000 times over their lifetime. Does that sound like you? Do you smile more or less than that do you think? And do you visit the dentist regularly […]
Motherhood is complex. Insanely rewarding, yet exceptionally hard work at the same time. It isn’t just the actual mothering that is complex though, it is the way we are perceived as mums as well. There is no longer a ‘typical mum’, or a simple definition of a mother. We are expected to be everything to […]