I love taking photos. I especially love taking photos of my family. I think it’s so important to preserve all the memories. Not just the big things, but the every day moments as well. It’s a way of preserving memories.
What are the best things about being a child?
The best things about being a child include building dens, jumping in puddles, climbing trees – and dressing up. Do you agree?
How to spot the onset of a growth spurt in your child
People tell you lots of things when you are pregnant. They offer a ton of well-meaning advice and hints and tips. One of the things no one ever mentioned to me was what happens when your children are having a growth spurt. Here’s what I’ve learnt along the way.
Growing up: helping children deal with puberty and adolescence
It’s one of the periods of life that parents dread, that moment their child reaches the tween, then teen stage in life and we have to all deal with puberty and adolescence. How can we make it easier on everyone? Growing up there are so many issues to deal with. As much as there might […]
My last baby
A few weeks ago I took this photo of my youngest looking out of the window of a canal boat. The more I look at it, the more grown up I think he looks, and the more I realise that he’s really not a baby anymore. As the youngest of four he has a massive advantage […]
Things to remind your children when they go to university
When your child goes to university, it can be a strange time for everyone involved. If you are anything like most families, then it is likely that both parent and child will suffer emotionally. One of the best ways to combat this is to do everything you can to provide support for your child. This […]
Pay attention: you will NEVER have this day again
Children grow and change at an incredible rate. When they are very young the change is daily. New skills and words and likes and dislikes are constantly developing as the days pass by. Today I realised something. That I should pay more attention to these things, because tomorrow they might be gone. The blunt fact is […]
Finishing school? How you can help your child grow up
It is the final milestone of childhood. That moment when they graduate from the compulsory education system can feel incredible. All that hard work raising your child has paid off. All those hours of helping with homework. All those months of nagging them to revise, and now they are all grown up and about to […]