If you’ve been told your baby is back to back don’t panic. There is lots of time for the baby to turn before labour and if they don’t you can still do it. There were a few concerned looking faces during my last two births but I was so determined to get my babies out without forceps that eventually started to shift them in the right direction. Good luck and trust your body! It will all be worth it.
My first, my last, my everything
My first born and last born – you two challenged me in a different way to the two middle born children. First born – you taught me that morning sicknesses could come anytime and anywhere. Last born – by the time I was growing you, I was a professional vomitter and had probably broken some […]
How motherhood changes you
The transition from womanhood to motherhood was more profound than any other transition I’ve been though. Having a child evokes changes that are both gradual and sudden. As a new mother you become stronger and more responsible. The challenge of every day life makes you a better problem solver, you suddenly have even more love […]
The truth about induction
All four of my babies were born very overdue. Nobody passed them the memo on their due dates. By the time I went over my due date with my third baby, I had accepted that my babies are just late. That’s just how my body does it. Two out of the four ended in induction. […]
Hypnobirthing – it was a nice idea…
Hypnobirthing was only something I really discovered on birth number three. I longed for a stress-free birth that hopefully resulted in my baby being born in water. After I was given a hypnobirthing audio DVD as a gift, and promptly fell asleep during the first use, I was quietly pumped about the prospect of being […]
The truth about postnatal bleeding
Background reading Like many mums-to-be, when I was pregnant with my first child I read lots of pregnancy and birth books and magazines. I used to like to read about each stage of the pregnancy and learn about what my baby was doing during that time. I also read a lot about birth, but in […]