Jam jar salads

Jam jar salads

Are you looking for some quick, easy lunches that you can prepare in advance but that tick all the healthy boxes? Lunches you can have on the go, at your desk or even out and about. Lunches that you can prepare in bulk and stock in the fridge to see you through for a few […]

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Back to school the healthy way

foot spray

This year the children hadn’t even broken up for summer and I had already seen back to school emails, articles and products in the shop. I don’t want to rush you through the summer holidays and onto the new term, but as we go into the winter term it’s always good to think about avoiding […]

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Snacks to travel with

snacking on the go

We don’t have to be going far for me to pack the snack bag. Sometimes I’ve only driven down the road when someone shouts “can I have a snack?”. With four little, people it doesn’t take them long to empty the bag either. When we go on holiday the snack bag quadruples in size. Flying […]

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Feeding fuel

Breastfeeding can be hard work. I’ve heard lots of people say that they were always hungry when they were breastfeeding. After breastfeeding four babies I actually don’t think I have had that “I’m starving” feeling more than a handful of times and I certainly haven’t felt like I needed to eat more. Having said that, […]

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Weaning on the move

Weaning can be a messy and fiddly business. I have said before how fantastic I think Ella’s Kitchen pouches are for travelling and also for trying different foods out with your little ones before making a huge batch of something homemade that they hate. Like many parents though, where possible I like to make my […]

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