When you aren’t Supermum


Being a mum is a tough job, there is no disputing that. What is even tougher, is being a mum who holds strong convictions on how to raise her children, work, as well as do all the chores at home. Parenting is one of the most rewarding things out there, but even the ideal multitasking, […]

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Pregnancy and your body


During your pregnancy, over nine months, (or ten months with each of mine!) you see a lot changes in your body and your life. Here, are a few tips  to get you through. Take a Prenatal Vitamin Your baby’s neural cord, which becomes the brain and spinal cord, develops within the first month of pregnancy, […]

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Playroom makeover

playroom makeover

The playroom in our house takes a serious bashing. It is used and abused everyday by the children and it is a place to not only play, but to relax and learn as well. I decided recently that I needed a new system for organising the toys as it was driving me crackers. A better […]

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