School is not only a place of learning but also a vital part of a child’s overall development. It is crucial for children to feel safe, secure, and supported within the school environment. In this article, I explore the importance of schools as safe spaces for children and highlight ten key reasons why creating a nurturing and secure atmosphere is essential for their well-being and educational success.
How to Tell if Your Child is Happy at School
Children often have ups and downs at school. They may love learning about a particular subject one week, but then feel unhappy about their test results or fall out with a friend another week – but how do you tell if there is a serious issue at school that needs your attention?
Top Five Ways To Help Your Children Cope With Stress
Pressure on students to succeed is higher than ever, with fierce competition for university and school places. The hype means that exams and results days can present a mix of emotions – joy, regret, stress or euphoria. Of course this isn’t just limited to the children! However, it’s important to support your child in the […]