School uniform strategies

school uniform

Before the summer term of the last school year even ended I saw ‘back to school’ stuff in the shops. For a few years I did what lots of people do and started getting back to school things about halfway through the summer holidays, giving me plenty of time to label them and wash and […]

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Nurturing talent


As a parent it can be so exciting when you see your child developing a particular skill or an obvious talent. I’ve spoken to lots of parents over the years who I’d describe as your classic pushy parent, and in most cases the children have lost interest in whatever it was they showed real promise […]

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Lighten the load

lighten the load

For busy families, the amount of washing that has to be done every week can be immense. For families like ours where everyone does lots of different activities and spends a lot of time outdoors this increases. As well as the normal day to day washing of clothes and weekly washing of towels and bedding, […]

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Winter family fun: part two

Welcome to part two of our series on winter family fun. I love winter, the frost and snow, Christmas time, wrapping up warm, drinking mulled wine and hot chocolate. There always seem to be lots of wonderful things to do as a family in the winter, and we love the magic of this time of […]

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