Not being able to leave the house is an odd situation for so many of us, but not getting out doesn’t mean you can’t keep moving. Obviously if you have a garden this will be much easier, but even if you live in a small flat or small house there are so many things you can do.
*Guest Article*: Five steps to improve your mental health in motherhood
Dr Carla Runchman is a Clinical Psychologist, mum of one, founder of Mama Diary and author of ‘Mama Notes’, a notebook for the first 12 weeks of motherhood to help mums focus on their emotional well-being. Together with space to make notes on newborn essentials such as feeding and nappies, each week has a well-being focus with ideas or activities to try, and journal pages with prompts to help you reflect on the important moments of these early weeks.
Electric scooters for children? What are your thoughts?
Are your children fans of riding scooters? Our children have always loved their scooters and enjoy riding them together, despite their age differences, it’s always been one of those activities they really enjoy doing together. A scooter can be lots of fun, aide co-ordination and help to improve balance and raise confidence in children. Scooters […]