Teenagers and electric bikes

As children get older and they spend more time out on their own or with friends, it can be an anxious time for parents . Not only are you having to come to terms with your child having more freedom, but also trying to remind them how to keep themselves and their belongings safe, without […]

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5 uses for a room divider in a bedroom

room divider

Have you ever thought about using a room divider? Perhaps there is something missing from your room and you can’t quite figure out what it is? Perhaps adding a room divider could be the answer. There are tons of situations where a room divider could be useful. Whether it’s your child moving into a dorm, […]

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Growing up

skin genius

Growing up and the feelings that go with it are odd really. As a child you spend the whole time wanting to be older. To be that bit bigger so you can do that bit more. As a teenager, you also spend time wanting to be older, to be grown up, so you can make […]

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Books with hooks

I write a lot on the blog about the importance of reading to children and the importance of nurturing a love of books and independent reading. Part of the love of reading can come from reading something that ‘hooks’ into a particular interest at the time. As parents we sometimes have to watch and wait […]

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