Looking after your lips

lip care

One of the things I hate most are dry, itchy, sore and cracked lips. I think I’d even prefer to have a spot than cracked lips. I loathe them. As this is a pet hate of mine, I’m always careful about what I apply to my lips. I never wear lipstick and I don’t use […]

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Making an older home warmer and cosier

older home

Those that live in an older house can sometimes marvel at the warmth of modern houses. The double glazing and extra insulation they come with can certainly make a difference on a cold winter’s day. The standards for building houses have changed radically over the last two centuries. These days, energy efficiency is a top […]

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Making decluttering manageable


Decluttering is something I find incredibly therapeutic. I probably have about three sessions of this a year but there is certainly something about the spring that sparks this in a big way. I always manage to find things we can recycle, giveaway, sell and bin during each of these sessions and for a while at […]

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Keeping toys clean

keeping toys clean

Trying to keep children’s toys clean can be really hard work. The toys I find the hardest to clean tend to be bath toys as they get grubby really quickly and the squirty toys are especially hard to keep clean, as they can quickly get full of black, gungy grime. Making sure that you squirt […]

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Disinfecting the natural way

Disinfecting like most parents, is something I do on a regular basis. As well as the normal keeping things clean type of disinfecting and wiping down toys etc that I do on a continuous basis;  if anyone is sick, I always feel as if I have to do a massive clean and I disinfect everything […]

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