Vaping Companies Need to Cease Targeting Young People: Highlighting the Dangers of Vaping

vaping an teens

The rise of vaping in recent years has brought about a concerning trend – an increasing number of young people falling prey to the allure of e-cigarettes. Vaping companies have been criticised for their marketing strategies, which often target teenagers and young adults. This article sheds light on the urgent need for vaping companies to stop appealing to young people and emphasises the dangers associated with vaping.

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Should Smokers Be Encouraged To Vape?

live a healthy life

I’ve never smoked. It’s something I feel very strongly about. It killed all four of my grandparents, three of whom were dead by the time I was ten. I’m the person who will cross the street to avoid a smoker and I actively protect my family from smoky environments. Around 17% of adults in the […]

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