Looking to boost your income without a huge time investment? Discover how to turn selling on Vinted into a reliable second income with these tips and tricks.
Why Fast Internet Speeds are Important
The internet is an integral part of our everyday lives. Long gone are the days when it was a luxury, reserved for times of boredom or for the technologically curious. Our lives are now inextricably linked to the internet, we use it for everything from connecting to friends and loved ones to working.
5 Items the Homeworker Needs at Their Desk
Thanks to the COVID-19 pandemic, the number of people working from home in the UK doubled in 2020. For many employees, this new way of working stuck as they continued to work from their homes as national lockdowns were lifted.
3 Ways to Stay Active When Working From Home
Over the last eighteen months, we’ve all had to get used to a new way of life. Working from home has been a great change for many of us, but for others it’s meant working longer days and feeling drained from the extra workload and lack of social interaction. When we feel drained in the evenings after being sat in front of a screen all day, it can be difficult to find the motivation to get active and burn off some calories. The result is many of us feeling even more lethargic and seeing those extra pounds creep on.
Survival guide for busy remote working mums
Whilst some mums seem to defy the laws of nature by becoming amazing earth mothers, domestic goddesses, and career high-fliers, the reality is that this can only be achieved with help. That might be a family member, paid childcare, or by paying for help with another area of life such as a cleaner. In reality, we all have limits and the only real way to be a successful working mum is, to be honest with yourself about your limits. Don’t get disheartened, the ones who look like they have everything in hand, they won’t be doing it alone.
Comfortable lounge wear for working from home
Whilst working from home with four children here is a challenge, there are currently no school runs and no club runs, so there is much less running around than a normal week. This means lounge wear is perfectly reasonable!
Challenges mums can face when starting a business from home
The world of work for women has changed significantly over the years. Despite so many changes and shifts in working patterns, arrangements and responsibilities, there remain some very real challenges for women. If you are a regular reader of the blog, you might have read my article questioning why motherhood was so undervalued. I talked about […]