What is your health worth?

How much attention do you pay to your health? Do you eat well? Do you exercise? Do you smoke? How much do you drink? How much do you value your health? How much do you think genetics play a part in your health and how much do you think about the future? 23andMe, the leading […]

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Teaching children about hand hygiene

“Have you washed your hands?”How many times do you think you have asked this question since becoming a parent?I am estimating the following:At least 5 times per day x 365 days per year x 8 years = 14,600 times … and with four children that is a conservative estimate at that.Viruses and bacteria can live two hours or […]

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Hidden goodness

Fortunately my family are fairly easy to get fruit and vegetables into, although admittedly some are easier than others. Despite this, I do like to sneak in extra goodness where I can. Hemp seeds contain high levels of protein and beneficial plant sterols that are important in the human body.  Carun hemp seeds have an […]

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Top tips for looking after Mummy and Baby

Mums and babes need a bit of extra TLC sometimes. Just think about all the hard work mums bodies do carrying babies and then giving birth to them. Add to this breastfeeding, and being on hand 24/7 for your new babe, and combine this with a whole host of physical and emotional changes and there […]

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