That awful moment when…

No one said parenting and motherhood in particular was going to be glamorous. There are some very yummy mummies out there but let’s face it if you get to the end of the day without being covered in at least one of the following: milk sick poo wee food snot dribble pen paint chalk glue …then […]

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Don’t tell me that…

Listening to other mums is simply soul-destroying sometimes.  Whether they actually believe their own hype or use it as a cover-up to hide their own insecurities, I am not sure, but when you are a busy mummy trying to do your best with minimal support and feeling rather shitty about yourself, you really don’t need to hear any of the […]

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The conveyor belt vs the tandem change

When you have more than one child in nappies at any one time how do you manage? I have tried out two different methods.The first is what i call “The Conveyor Belt” and the other I refer to as “The Tandum Change”. Each have their time and place and it is trial and error as […]

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Sleep training: does it work?

Sleep training is the process of teaching your baby/toddler/child to sleep through the night. To go to sleep without difficulty, to settle themselves if they do wake in the night and to wake at a ‘reasonable’ hour. If you are a parent of a child or children who do not sleep well this will sound like […]

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How things change…

Before you have children, your life is awash with fulfilling great expectations. Far-flung trips, promotion at work and designer shoes or handbags and a nice lip gloss or posh face cream all tick the happiness box. Post-reproduction, we mums get our kicks from the small things in life…such as: Someone, anyone, cooks you dinner. Even if […]

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