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April Fools Day

I remember at school that April Fools Day was always quite a big thing. There would always be a couple of teachers that would manage to pull off a real cracker and have everyone reeled in. At university there would always be something crazy on April Fools Day and after I left and began working […]

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Reinvigorate your hair this summer

summer hair

While you may not have noticed a change in the temperature yet, and might even have become somewhat accustomed to baggy jumpers and tights, your hair, tired of hiding beneath hats and hoods, is just about ready for a break. The simple truth is that you deserve a little pamper time, and there has never […]

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Cosy toes

staying cosy

Although we are now into March, winter certainly isn’t over yet. March began for us this week looking a lot like this! I do love the snow though so I’m not complaining. That doesn’t mean I like feeling cold though. My hands and feet are naturally quite cold, so in bad weather that is even more […]

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