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323 results found.
Christmas dinner, going to the beach on a summer holiday and spending time at your grandparent’s house are the memories we remember most vividly from our childhoods, it has emerged. Does that match at all with your memories of childhood?
It’s almost Easter. School holidays are approaching and parents all over the UK are trying to plan two weeks worth of activities and arrangements for the children. Fancy breakfast with the Easter Bunny?
Fashion trends often divide people, and there’s certainly no reason why you should embrace every style in your wardrobe. I often cringe at ‘new’ trends and more often than not think it’s just not for me. What’s new for 2019?
The Dordogne region of south-west France is one of the most beautiful and popular holiday destinations in the country. The Dordogne Valley usually refers to the path followed by the river, and is towards the south of the department where it travels from east to west, passing through Bergerac and many of the other popular villages.
Does it really matter? If you think about your own childhood, that of your parents, or even others you may know, you can easily attribute a particular character trait, view or personality element to how that person was parented. You may catch yourself saying “well, I’m like that because…”.
Thinking back to when we expanded our family to a family of six, we were on the look out for a bigger car! We obviously needed a seat for everyone but also needed space for a pushchair and all the other paraphernalia that comes with having four children…including a guitar played by our eldest.
Here’s part one of our hunt for a suitable family car, the Mitsubishi Outlander.
I think swimming is an important life skill to give children. Even if they don’t end up taking swimming up as a hobby when they are older, learning to swim even just a few meters could save your child’s life.
It seems that currently these four elements are the best way for us to manage the eczema. How do you cope with eczema in your family members? What have you found works the best?