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So that’s a wrap! We made it to the end of term. A very different term with so many different challenges. It has pushed my patience to the limits, challenged me in ways I didn’t think were possible, but most of all I’m really proud how all four children have handled this very strange period in time. We’ve created a lifetime of memories in a few months.
Outside of school catch up and check in sessions here are a few of the things we’ve been up to this week.
This week has been a really wet week. It’s been a massive contrast to the glorious weather we’ve mainly had over the lockdown weeks so I think it was a bit of a shock to the system. We don’t let the rain stop us getting outside, but it does reduce the amount of time we spend outside.
Home-schooling, crisis schooling, whatever you are referring to it as, we are now into our 11th week. Are you getting into a groove with it? Has it made you want to home-school full time? Or are you tearing your hair out?
This week would have been half term if the children had been in school, so we decided to take a break from formal learning and do much more outside in the lovely sunshine.
We had our first family lockdown birthday this week, so there was lots of party preparations, gift wrapping and general birthday fun going on this week.
It’s week eight on the Coronacoster – how are you all doing? Crisis schooling certainly has it’s ups and downs doesn’t it. I’ve generally found that the lower I set my expectations at the start of the day, the better the day and the more we achieve, so I’ve been trying to roll with that as much as possible.
We’ve been working our way through the various tasks set by school again this week. For the little boys that means uploading their work via the See Saw App, and for the older children, via the online system they use to send their work to their teachers.