Everyone has an opinion on how many children you should have. Everyone seems to think there is a magic number. Really?
Exercises You Can do with Your Baby
Finding the time and energy to do some exercise after you’ve had a baby might be the last thing on your mind, but carrying out a gentle, light workout daily is a good way to help the body recover from pregnancy. Regular exercise has many benefits, including lowering the chances of getting postnatal depression, making […]
The fat suit Vs The giver of life
Becoming a mummy can create some tricky feelings. It can have a huge effect on how you feel about your body, largely because your body goes through so many changes in such a short space of time. When you first become pregnant you will sometimes notice changes in your body straight away, normally your boobs […]
Night feeding: A survival guide
Night feeds are often one of the things new parents struggle with the most. I’ve heard some parents say that they share these with their partner, but the bulk of these often fall to mummies, especially if you are breastfeeding. I did all the night feeds with all four children. At ten months my youngest […]
Breastfeeding with Gnashers
Breastfeeding doesn’t come naturally to everyone and it can be hard work sometimes, especially in the early days. So what about when you also have to contend with teeth? Now the average age that teeth start to appear is around six months, but we don’t all fit into the ‘average’ category now do we? Even […]
One day…
One day I will have a tidy house. One day I will sleep for 8 uninterrupted hours per night. One day I will be able to shop on my own at my leisure. One day I will be able to go to the toilet on my own. One day I will not have to pick food up […]
Top 20 things that keep pregnant women awake at night
How did you sleep during your pregnancy? The average mum-to-be can expect to get just five hours of sleep a night during her pregnancy, it has emerged. Researchers who carried out a detailed study found overall nine in ten suffered from a lack of sleep while one in five endured ‘extremely disrupted’ nights. It’s not […]
The reality of the post-pregnancy body
I’ve written before about the reality of a postnatal body and how I’ve always been trapped between two thought processes. On the one hand thinking my postnatal body was amazing, having housed, grown, pushed out and fed four babies; and on the other hand thinking it was this huge disgusting fat suit that I wanted […]