Keeping toys clean

keeping toys clean

Trying to keep children’s toys clean can be really hard work. The toys I find the hardest to clean tend to be bath toys as they get grubby really quickly and the squirty toys are especially hard to keep clean, as they can quickly get full of black, gungy grime. Making sure that you squirt […]

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From baby to toddler: how breastfeeding changes


After four babies, my breastfeeding journey ended rather abruptly following a bout of hand, foot and mouth. Across the four children I’ve roughly worked out that I have given around 10,000 breastfeeds over 10 years. Breastfeeding a baby is very different to breastfeeding a toddler though, so not all these breastfeeds followed the same pattern. Like […]

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The benefits of skipping for busy mums


Skipping – one of those things I did everyday in the playground at school and something that my daughter has also done since starting school, carrying a skipping rope in her bag most days and even being entered for a school skipping display last year. Skipping however is way more than a playground activity. It […]

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Instantly jazz up your living room

living room

If your living room is starting to look a little tired, then it may be time for a revamp! Not sure where to start? Lacking in inspiration? Then fear not. We’ve got you covered. Here are some great ways to instantly jazz up your living room, today! Check it out. New Flooring Start by redoing […]

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Disinfecting the natural way

Disinfecting like most parents, is something I do on a regular basis. As well as the normal keeping things clean type of disinfecting and wiping down toys etc that I do on a continuous basis;  if anyone is sick, I always feel as if I have to do a massive clean and I disinfect everything […]

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