Bargain books to inspire young readers

bargain books

A love of books I’ve written a lot about books and reading on the blog before and how much our children love books. Like many families we’ve gone through that phase of reading the same books over and over again and even now the little boys in particular have stories they like to hear all […]

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Encouraging little helpers at home

little helpers

I’ve talked quite a bit on the blog before about encouraging the children to help around the house, how this can not only get things done, but also provide both enjoyment and a learning experience for the children. The children love to help out with: watering plants; vacuuming; sorting out recycling, matching socks up from […]

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New mini reads

personalised books

I love coming across new books, especially children’s books. When Borders the book shop existed, I used to take the children in there and we would spend ages reading books, always coming away with a couple of new ones. We could easily spend a couple of hours in there. With World Book Day upon us […]

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