The toy time machine: toys across the years

what to buy for the kids

I don’t know about you, but I find the evolution of and trends in toys quite fascinating. I’ve seen with my own children all sorts of toys come back into fashion and it’s lovely when you see children playing with or interested in the sorts of things we once were. This fun infographic below shows […]

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Choosing your child’s first bike

choosing a first bike

What sort of bike? Choosing your child’s first bike can be a really exciting time, a bit of a milestone moment really. No more tricycles, no more ride-ones, this is real big kid stuff. Your child’s first bike is one of the toys they’ll remember well into adulthood; so many memories will be made as […]

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How to help your children with their homework

art work

I have always felt that learning begins at home. It isn’t a case of waiting until children start nursery or school for them to start learning. As parents we are responsible for their learning from day one. My parents were superb at reading to me as a small child and I entered primary school being able […]

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Car shopping as a woman

Shopping for a new car can be very stressful indeed. This can be made even worse if you are a woman. I admit to not really understanding much about how cars work or what bits are what but that doesn’t mean I don’t have an opinion about what will work best for our family. When […]

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